About the Journal
International journal of Smart Grid and Electric Vehicles (IJSGEV) is an open access, Peer-reviewed International Journal Published two times a year. International journal of Smart Grid and Electric Vehicles (IJSGEV) aims to provide a high profile, leading edge forum for academic researchers, industrial professionals, engineers, consultants, managers, educators and policy makers working in the field to contribute and disseminate innovative new work on Smart Grid and Clean Energy. All papers will be blind reviewed and accepted papers will be published quarterly which is available online (open access) and in printed version.
The focus of JEPE is on the generation, transmission, distribution, and consumption of electrical power from the perspectives of individual power system components as well as their integration, interaction, and technological improvement. Research focused on new technologies changing power systems and determining their performance and operation is of particular interest.
Current Issue
Volume 1, Issue 1, January-December 2023